Family and Adult Solutions

Family Life Education

Family Life Education

Loans & Debt: Understanding how to manage a loan, interest, and mange short- and long-term debt.

Investing: This 1-day workshop will provide participants with an understanding of investing and identifying which investments are best for them. Understanding Taxes, W2/W4 Forms, and Social Security Benefits: Our team will educate participants on government-related forms and benefits

Parent Connection: The primary goals of the 2-day parenting classes include improving relationships between parents and their children, and teaching parents how to deal with the daily responsibilities of maintaining a home and family, in positive ways. We will assist the family with creating a practical plan to manage family roles, responsibilities, and connect them with resources they need. Home management techniques will also be explored.

Work-Life Management: This 1-day workshop assists families with creating a plan to bring structure and balance to their everyday lives.

Spiritual Connection: This 3-day workshop will provide individuals/families understanding of their purpose, spirituality, prayer, and the Bible.

Health and Wellness: We will teach families the value of physical, emotional, mental, social, and relational well-being. The 5-day workshop activities include:
  • Cooking/Meal Prep Classes
  • Physical Activity
  • Meal Planning
  • Healthy Eating Weight Loss/Diet Planning
  • Emotional, Relational, Social, and Mental Wellness Evaluations and Activities

Career Skills: Participants will be given a career skills assessment to evaluate and identify their career skills. We will explore various careers based on their strengths, skills, and desires. Participants will be given a list of potential careers and requirements to pursue those careers. We will look at the salary associated with those careers and the type of lifestyle choices that will support those salaries. This is a 2-day workshop. The career skills module will also include the following:

Resume Writing
Interview Tips, Techniques, and Mock Interviews
Professional Attire
Professional Etiquette

The K.N.E.W. Solutions will add new workshop series/modules per request of the families, schools, or organizations.

Family and Adult Enrichment

Our Family and Adult Enrichment Program will build on life successes, while identifying areas for growth and improvement for individuals and families. We intercept many of the problems encountered by adults and families by being proactive in not only identifying potential problems, but also developing a plan of action  to resolve current problems.

The K.N.E.W. Education and Coaching Solutions program provides education, coaching, and training in the following areas:

Life Management: The Life Management Plan module is a 3-workshop series that helps individuals and families develop and implement a short-term plan that provides direction and solutions in every area of the adult’s life or family’s lives. We connect families with resources to help them achieve short-term goals and immediate needs.

Life Planning: This 5-day workshop series provides long-term planning, direction, and resources to help adults and families to develop a comprehensive plan for their lives. The life plan can be created for each individual as well as development of a plan as a family unit (family goals).

Financial Education: This 8-week workshop series will provide comprehensive financial training for individuals and families. Participants will obtain the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed financial decisions for their lives. The modules include:

Budgeting 101: Creating and managing a budget, saving, financial goal setting and planning (2 Classes); Understanding Credit and Credit Cards

Account Management: Opening and managing a bank account; Having a Financial Mindset: Understanding how you think about money and creating a healthy attitude toward money management.
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Adult and Family Solutions

KNEW Adult and Family Solutions

KNEW Adult and Family Solutions

“You are never too young to start and never too old to finish.” 

Dr. Keschia Matthews
Let's Talk
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